Class 6

Welcome to Year 6's Web Page 
Here you can find out all about what goes on in Year 6. Our page is updated regularly with news and photographs, along with links to useful information and websites. 
Year 6 Photo Album
On Thursday 12th September, Y6 started off their Crime & Punishment Topic with a visit to Oxford Castle and Prison. We had a great time looking at how crime & punishment has changed through the ages and explored lots of artefacts before taking a tour of the castle.
In preparation for our 'Field to Fork' Harvest Assembly. Y6 looked at Apple Pie and researched where the ingredients come from. As part of our art work, we practised our sketching skills to draw apples. We were really pleased with the results!
Useful Information:
Class Teachers:
Miss van der Ploeg (Monday)
Mrs Kershaw (Tuesday-Friday)
Mrs Bird
Mrs Hipwell
Monday and Thursday (Mr Davies)
Forest School:
Wednesday (Mrs Hipwell)
Cycling Proficiency:
Tuesday (Mrs Worley)