Class 1

Welcome to Year 1's Web Page
Here you can find out all about what goes on in Year 1. Our page is updated regularly with news and photographs, along with links to useful information and websites.
If you would like to contact the class teacher, Mrs Zychowicz, please email: or ring 01844 352106.
Useful websites:
Top Marks - Hit the Button
Little Wandle
Phonics Play
Year 1 Photo Album
News from Year 1

Updated 23rd February 2025


Our topic this term remains 'The Great Fire of London'. This will continue until Easter with lots of lessons linked to this topic including History and some more  Art. Within the classroom the children have already been able to experience a taste of The Great Fire through their senses. Smelling baked bread, smoky fire, exploring a box containing a diary, flagon, cheese and a diary. Mark making with quills and charcoal, listening to the sound of a raging fire and watching a video of the recreation of The Great Fire.

With regards to Literacy, the class has already written an eye witness account letter and will now explore timelines, sequencing and diary writing whilst looking in further depth at Samuel Pepys. To conclude this term's Literacy the children will write poetry.


In Maths, Year 1 are now progressing to numbers to 50. The class is continuing to learn through concrete resources and they all enjoy playing maths games. The resources we use include dice : d6, d10 and d20 as well as using part whole models, number lines, tens frames and basically anything we can count: cubes, conkers, counters, Numicom, Base 10, Unifix, fir cones etc.

They will then progress to measurement, both length and height, mass, capacity and temperature.


In Science we are learning about plants up to Easter. We will be closely observing plant growth, naming parts of a plant and identifying various commonly found plants in our local area plus some common fruit and vegetables. We will also be growing some seeds and bulbs.


In History we will be describing the differences between artifacts and be able to sort items from 'then & now'. The children will act out The GFOF and place the known events in chronological order as well as learning how to identify different ways to represent the past.


Geography will concentrate on the UK. The class are good  at recognising the 4 countries of the UK and will now begin to use basic geographic vocabulary and simple compass directions.


In Art, Year 1 will be exploring printing, with fingers and hands, found objects and simple blocks.


In DT the class will create a fabric face, whilst exploring different materials including: fabrics, yarns, ribbons, buttons etc,  and then joining methods before designing and making their face.


ICT will be using Purple Mash and the class will start simple coding.


In RE the children will look at Surprises and Easter , whilst in PSHE the class will continue to explore 'My Happy Mind'.


Year 1 Stars Gallery
Useful Information
Key Dates and Information - updated March 2025
PE - every Tuesday and Friday (on Friday, children alternate between PE and Forest School)
Forest School - every other Friday (check class door for your child's group)
Reading books  - sent home every Wednesday (please return the following Monday)
School library -  Monday
Class Newsletters