Modern Foreign Languages at Mill Lane
At Mill Lane Primary School, we believe that through learning a language children will value the importance of communication in a foreign language, as well as developing their ‘Cultural Capital’. The intention of the MFL curriculum is to build curiosity and interest in learning other languages. We aim to introduce the language of French and its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. Pupils will learn the essential skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing French and will be confident in using their knowledge of French to form simple sentences and responses. Our aim is that by the time the children leave Mill Lane, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written in French, confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future. Our goal is to lay the foundations for language learning.
Children will begin learning French in Key Stage 2 but will be introduced to simple words and phrases in Key Stage 1 including greetings and some counting. Children will receive weekly lessons and children’s learning builds progressively on previously taught and learnt vocabulary and phrases. There is an emphasis on the spoken work, and making learning fun through songs, games and practical activities. The cultural and traditions of France are also taught as an integral part of learning the language. SEND children will have access to the curriculum through variation of tasks, grouping or extra support from a teaching assistant in the class.
Children will have covered the aspects of learning as set out in the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages. They will have developed a recall of relevant vocabulary. They will be able to speak in simple phrases and become engaged in simple conversational French, ask questions and are able to write sentences and phrases relating to a range of topics. They will become resilient language learners who are not afraid to ‘have a go’ both in terms of pronunciation, trying out phrases and producing written tasks. Children will be confident in moving onto KS£ to further develop their language skills in French and other MFLs.
We measure impact through lesson observations, work monitoring as well as pupil voice.