Class 3

Welcome to Year 3's Web Page
Here you can find out all about what goes on in Year 3. Our page is updated regularly with news and photographs, along with links to useful information and websites. 
Year 3 Photo Album
News from Year 3
Year 3 has been a hive of activity since Christmas! Our current topic, 'Under the Canopy' is all about the rainforest and we have been busy learning about the animals, creatures, plants and trees that live there. In science we have been planting bulbs and seeds, hoping to find out the best conditions for growing. We have seeds growing in hot places, cold places, wet places, dry places, dark places and light places. We are investigating to see what the optimum growing conditions are. 
PE: Wednesday

Please make sure they have warm clothing and suitable footwear as sessions will be outside. Please ensure that no jewellery other than a watch is worn on these days. Earrings must be either taken out or covered with tape brought from home.

Swimming will be on Tuesday afternoons and recommence after the Easter holidays. If you haven’t already, please return swimming questionnaire and permission slip. Letter is available on the Class page.


Forest School: Thursday

Forest School takes place on Thursday mornings  Please ensure your child has suitable clothing otherwise they will not be able to attend.



Maths Homework Diaries: All children now have a maths homework diary which contains lots of fun and practical maths activities to do at home. The children can earn rewards for completing activities and bringing their diaries into school to show us. The diaries also reward children for applying their maths skills at home, such as when they are cooking or measuring in real-life situations. 

Reading: Children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes every night. It is so important to read with your child to help support and build their reading skills. Even if your child is a fluent reader you can engage in their reading by asking them to summarise what they have read or to discuss how characters are feeling or what they think about it.

TimesTables: By the end of Year 3 child are expected to be fluent (this means be able to recall the answers within 6 seconds) in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times tables. Children will be given a log in to where there are many different activities to practice this.

Class 3 Staff


Mrs Sharkey


Mrs Richards

Mrs Leavesley

Mrs Daily

Miss Matthews